INGREDIENTS (4 servings)
– 400 g (1 lbs) pasta “rigatoni”
– 80 g (3oz) Gorgonzola dolce
– 80 g (3 oz) Verena
– 100 g (3,5 oz) Provolone
– 50 ml (3 tbsp) cooking cream
– 80 g (3 oz) grated Gran Moravia
– 60 g (2 oz) shavings Gran Moravia
– 200 ml (1 cup) milk
– salt and pepper
Maccheroni ai Quattro Formaggi is the Italian version of the most famous American pasta: Mac and cheese.
Riempite Fill a pot with water and boil it. Add salt. In the meanwhile dice the cheeses. In a pan on low fire put the milk and bring it to the boil. Pour the diced cheeses and the grated Gran Moravia hard cheese in the pan, stirring carefully until completely melted to obtain a cream. Add salt and pepper to taste. Cook the pasta and once “al dente” pour it in the pan. Amalgamate the pasta with the cheesy cream for some minutes. Serve hot and garnish with Gran Moravia shavings and a sprinkle of pepper.